Conscious Together FAQ

We are committed to fostering a transparent relationship with our consumer, which starts with sharing our progress to acknowledge the steps we’re taking in our journey to become a more sustainable brand.

We will report progress on our sustainability goals on an annual basis and provide updates on our social and digital channels. Our sustainability data will be audited by an independent auditor to ensure it is factual and accurate.
Sustainability is challenging across the beauty industry, not just for Maybelline NY. One of our greatest impact areas is our packaging. Today, recycling systems are not able to accept most makeup because our packaging is often too small (less than 20 ml) and can be made of a mix of different materials, characteristics which are disruptors to recycling.

Our ambition is to help find ways to ensure recycling is a reality. That’s why, in partnership with a leading climate finance group South Pole, we will invest $5M through 2030 into supporting the development of recycling technologies and processes.
Maybelline NY is committed to a continual search for ingredients that are sourced in a sustainable and responsible manner. Some of our products use sustainably sourced Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Rice Bran Oil and Sesame Seed Oil. This approach ensures that these ingredients come from supply chains which respect biodiversity and help limit their environmental impact. Among the practices of Green Science are the careful cultivation, transformation and formulation of ingredients using practices that help lower the environmental footprint and minimize chemical use. Chemistry is commonly associated with things that are artificial or synthetic. This association reinforces preconceived ideas: chemical is harmful but natural is good! This statement is false. The truth is that chemically transforming a material often enables better mastery of its quality and reproducibility. In nature, the quality of natural ingredients can vary according to, among other things, the climate and the environment in which it was cultivated.

All our products whether formulated with synthetic ingredients, natural-origin ingredients or otherwise, are subject to strict evaluation of their safety, taking into account the conditions of use: usage, frequency and dosing of ingredients.
All of Maybelline’s products must pass a rigorous expert-led evaluation process lead by our Research & Innovation facilities to ensure adherence to our safety standards. We have a deep knowledge of raw materials including understanding their quality and origin. We work with a variety of experts to thoroughly assess raw materials to ensure their safe use in finished products. Next, we perform a variety of product tolerance tests with specialized third-party laboratories and research centers to validate their safety.
To learn more about what’s in your favorite Maybelline products, visit INSIDE OUR PRODUCTS.